Dostana is enjoying phenomenal success while all the other releases with and after it have been down in dumps. It has collected a whooping Rs.500 million since its release and its still expected to go strong till Aditya Chopra’s film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi hits the theatres.Trade analyst Vinod Mirani commented, “The success of ‘Dostana’ has come as reassurance to the industry that the entertainment sector will be able to brave the negative impact of the economic slowdown if the changing tastes of audiences are carefully catered to, an opportunity which Ghai’s ‘Yuvvraaj’ missed.”“Although, whether these two much-awaited films will be able to a ‘Dostana’ at the box-office is still a matter of conjecture, both have generated a lot of expectations in the industry because of their good advance reports,” Mirani said further.“Hope, both the movies come up to the expectations. Because, just as Yash Raj Films sorely needs a hit after a series of flops this year, so is the industry eager to end the year on a promising note in order to regain its confidence as all the big-budget films released during the year so far came crashing at the box-office before ‘Dostana’ arrived,” he added.
We hope so too!
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