Kareena Kapoor may still have 3-4 years more to go before she walks down the aisle and says Kubool Hai to Saif, but she is trying her level best to fit in to Saif’s family well in advance. She has bonded well with the Pataudis, Saif’s kids Sarah and Ibrahim also like her and guess who she is ready to break the ice with - Saif’s ex-wife Amrita Singh.In an interview she revealed, “I respect the fact that Saif was married before and has two lovely children. I have been a fan of Amrita Singh. I haven’t met her ever but I know her through her films. For me, she’ll always have a place of importance in his life because she is Saif Ali Khan’s first wife and the mother of his children. And, I’ve told Saif this. I would want her to have that kind of respect always. This is what my parents have taught me. At the end of the day, it was just a marriage that didn’t work out. I have always encouraged Saif to be friends with her because I think that would be great. I guess they will just need time but that’s something that they would need to deal with. I will always respect her. As far as any other relationship of Saif is concerned, I don’t think they really mattered.”
Point taken Bebo!
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