Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are not getting married until a few years. But since they cant stay apart any more they have decided to live in before they settle down. They have bought a new apartment that they have asked Akshay Kumar’s wife Twinkle Khanna to design.“I have told Saif that I will be giving him points while working with him for Karan’s film and only after the schedule is over will I decide whether he has become my favorite co-star or not. I love the story as its set against a different backdrop. My favorite co-star is Akshay Kumar as there’s a great comfort level while working with him. Lolo and I are also very close to Akshay`s wife Twinkle who is designing Saif`s and my flat in Bandra”, a news daily quoted Kareena as saying.
Kareena was rather sure that if she marries saif at the peak of her career she will ruin her prospects in the industry.A close source reveals, “Kareena doesn’t want to marry so soon. She is just 27 and still has atleast 6-7 more years to go before she goes her sister Karisma’s way. Karisma got married only after she felt she had achieved something in her career as an actress. Saif is madly in love with Kareena and wanted to marry her as soon as possible. But Kareena is reluctant. So both, with the consent of their families have decided to live-in before they get married.”
That’s pretty convenient!
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