Almost every Bollywood star is commenting on the 26/11 terror attacks on Mumbai and the latest person is Ranbir Kapoor. He was also a witness to the 9/11 attacks in New York and he relates the experiences.“I was shooting at Film City when I got to know of the attack around 10 pm. When I went back home I switched on the news and was glued to the TV. Those three days were absolutely tragic. I remember I was in New York during the 9/11 attacks and I was studying there. It was as bad as that. I’m no body to comment on this. And I don’t want to comment on the political status of our country. I hope and pray to god that such acts stop,” said Ranbir.
On being asked if he was scared since the attacks took place in the plush iconic Taj Hotel a hub for Bollywood bigwigs and Mumbai’s elite, he said,“Absolutely not. As I feel no one should live in fear. What has happened is unfortunate and terrible but life goes on. We can’t live our lives in terror. It’s going to a while before we get back to life the way we were. But I still think no one should live in fear.”Ranbir echoed Aamir, Shahrukh and Salman’s words when he said,
“Terrorism has no religion, it’s just faith gone wrong.”
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