Even Shilpa Shetty couldn’t resist the charms of having her own blog to vent her feelings. However, Shilpa has an aversion to the term blog and prefers to call her space as ‘Shilpa Channel’ which would help her to keep in touch with her fans and the media.
Shetty lass decided upon ‘Shilpa Channel’ as the name of her blog since the actress used to playfully refer to her appearance on reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ as the same.
Confirming the reports, Shetty in an interview to a news daily said- “I will be starting my blog in a day or two on my official website — www.shilpashettylive.com. It will be good stuff. You will be proud of me.”
According to Shilpa, it was the Mumbai attack which gave her a push to start her website. “I wanted a channel to vent my anger against what has happened to my city. I should have started this when the Richard Gere controversy reputed.”
Never mind Shilpa! Better late than never!

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